19 Things to Do To Improve Your Vision and Your Health

As we know, vision and health are closely linked to each other. The healthier we are, the better chance we have of improving our vision and seeing clearly. Below are 20 things you can do to drastically improve your vision and overall well-being:

improve-your-vision-and-health1. Drink Water:

Due to our indoor lifestyle and abundance of junk food, most of us are chronically dehydrated. Many people misinterpret the thirst signals their bodies give them with hunger and wind up eating when they’re really thirsty!
When I first started juicing, I started getting incredibly thirsty – I just couldn’t seem to drink enough water. Once I started giving my body the nutrients it needed, the thirst switch reset itself and I understood the message – drink more water!.

2. Meditate:

To relax our body we need to relax our minds. The main cause of vision problems is stress. When our eyes stay in a stressed position too long, they “reset” our normal sight to this new position as a defense. By meditating you can allow your body, mind and eyes to relax, allowing your eyes to reset back to their normal state.

3. Breathe:

Breathing helps bring oxygen to all areas of your bodies. The more oxygen your body gets, the more relaxed it gets. Focused breathing will do wonders for you and your body.
It’s also important to note, that one of the causes of muscle stress is insufficient oxygen. Deep breathing helps bring more oxygen to every area of your body – including your eyes.

4.  Wear Pinhole Glasses:

Pinhole glasses are another tool you can use to relax the muscles of your eyes. They send light straight into the back of your eyes, and put the lens of your eyes into a relaxation position. And they look cool.

5. Visualizations:

Take some time, maybe while you’re meditating, to imagine what your life would be like with clear vision. Imagine waking in the morning and not needing to put your glasses or contacts on. Imagine walking in a large field and being able to clearly see every flower and every blade of grass. Try to imagine this as vividly as possible.
Doing visualizations is actually a way to “tell” your eyes how they should see. This warrants a post onto itself, but it’s a very powerful way retrain your eyes to see clearly.

6. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques):

This post tells you how to do EFT. EFT is an incredibly powerful technique that helps you release emotions that may be holding you back in areas of your life. Doing EFT can help you improve your finances, relationships health, and yes, your eyesight. You can read more about EFT here.

7. Eye Exercises:

In addition to relaxing your eyes, it’s also important to strengthen them. Eye exercises help strengthen your eyes, and retrain them to see properly again. You can read more about how one man actually got rid of his glasses with eye exercises, by clicking here.

8. Eat Fruits and Vegetables:

Or as one health practitioner I know put it “eat vegetables and fruits.” Eating natural produce is the best way to jump-start your body into “health mode.” Not only will your body respond very well to fruits and veggies, it will also absorb their nutrients much better than anything else. Read this post to find out the best produce to eat for your eyes.

9. Juice Fruits and Vegetables:

I’m an enormous fan of juicing. It’s a great way to get a fruits and vegetables quickly and easily. Most of the nutrition (as high as 90%) in fruits and vegetables are found in their juice. By juicing you can get a large mount of this juice quickly and by mixing different fruits and vegetables together, you’ll be able to concoct some juices that taste outstanding.

10. Spend More Time Outdoors.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for both vision health and overall health. A great way of getting this vitamin is actually from the sun. Simply taking a walk outside on a sunny day (winter or summer) allows you easily absorb all of the vitamin D you need.
Another advantage to being outside is that you’re not looking at something close your face! This means your eyes are in a much more relaxed state, and will allow them to relax.

11. Eat Dark Chocolate.

Some people will thank me for this one, but according to this article, dark chocolate can actually be beneficial for your eyes. Now it’s important to note, that while chocolate s beneficial, the white sugar in them is not. I’ll share my secret, all natural chocolate milk recipe here:

You’ll need:

  • 2 Bananas
  • 3/4 cup of cocoa powder
  • 5 dates
  • 3 apples
  • 4 cups of milk (or your natural milk of choice. I prefer cocoanut milk)

Juice the apples and then blend all of the ingredients together, and you have about 3 cups worth of this:



12. Have a Technology-Free Day.

My day for this is usually a day over the weekend. Being connected to our smartphones and tablets 24/7 causes a lot of stress on our eyes, neck and most of our upper body. Taking one day off can actually feel incredibly liberating – and your body will thank you for the break!

13. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

Most adults in America do not get enough sleep, it’s as simple as that. The average adult gets less than 7 hours of sleep a night. The reason most of us don’t get enough sleep is because we feel like we need to push ourselves in order in order to get everything done. What ends up happening is that we get burned out. Learn to prioritize instead of doing more. You’ll find that you’ll actually be more productive in the long run.

14. Take Off Your Glasses and Contacts.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…glasses and contacts are actually not that great for your eyes. The reason one needs to wear glasses is because the lens in their eyes are stressed. Glasses “lock” the eyes into this stressed state and never give them a chance to relax. If you want to relax your vision, the first step is to take off your glasses when you don’t need them.

15. Focus on Seeing Better.

For those of us who wear glasses, it can become an automatic response to “see passively,” and let your glasses do the work of seeing for you. One of the things people who don’t wear glasses do is “actively see,” meaning that they’re aware of their entire field of vision when looking at something.
Try this exercise,  look at something and focus on it, but while focusing on this single object, notice everything else surrounding the object in your entire field of vision. While doing this, relax your eyes and allow what you’re seeing to come to you, instead of trying to “look” at it. This will exercise and activate your entire field of vision.

16. Do Yoga.

One of the mistakes eye doctors make is that they look at our eyes as isolated organs in our body. The stress in our eyes can be connected to stress anywhere in the body. I’ve found that doing yoga can bring a marked improvement to my vision – simply because I’ve released stress in other areas of my body (usually in my neck and shoulder areas).

17. Wear a Hat Outdoors Instead of Sunglasses.

While it’s important to never look directly at the sun, it’s much better for your eyes to see natural light than through the tint of sunglasses. If you really feel that you want to wear sunglasses for the “coolness” factor, than you can try pinhole glasses which can act as sunglasses, look like sunglasses and won’t affect the tint of the sun’s natural light.

Note that you can’t wear pinhole glasses while driving. If you are in a situation where it’s more comfortable (or safer) to wear regular sunglasses, please do so. View these rules as general guidelines for the rest of the time you’re outside.

18. Follow the 10-10-10 Rule.

I know that prolonged exposure to computer screens, phones and tablets is the norm these days, and it usually can’t be avoided. But by following the 10-10-10 rule, you give your eyes a break and it doesn’t have to effect your work or productivity. Simply take a break every 10 minutes, look at something at least 10 feet away for 10 seconds. That’s it.

19. Palm. 

Palming is one of the most effective ways of relaxing your eyes. For directions on palming you can download my free e-book in the form below.

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